Abbey Inn and Spa

Westchester Hotels Pre-Vaccination Survey

For lodging providers in Westchester County only

[Restaurateurs please click here to access the separate survey for restaurants and food service providers.]

The state recently granted local governments the flexibility to add "public-facing hotel workers" to the list of those eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations in “phase 1B,” if supply allows.

The county executive requests all Westchester hoteliers' help to prepare for a smooth and efficient vaccination process. We're making a count of interested and eligible hotel workers, and compiling a list of properties and their management contacts with whom the County Health Department can coordinate scheduling, once further guidance comes from the state and more vaccine doses arrive from the federal government.

As you complete this brief survey, please note that at this point, only

  • unvaccinated,
  • public-facing workers
  • at least 18 years old

...should be included in your count of employees willing to be vaccinated. We do not need employees’ names at this time, just a count and a designated contact person.

Any questions or comments? Note them in the space provided below, or call us at (914) 995-8500.

Thank you.

Pre-Vaccination Survey

NOTE: The "Number of Public-Facing Employees Wanting Vaccination" provided above should NOT include employees who have already received a COVID-19 vaccination. All prospective vaccine recipients must be at least 18 years of age, and must be working in roles where they regularly come in contact with hotel guests or other members of the public.

* Indicates a required field.